
Wenn eine Veranstaltungsinstanz aus einer Schablone erstellt wird, befindet sie sich in diesem Zustand.

  • Die Daten sind in der Regel noch nicht vollständig und es kann noch alles bearbeitet werden.
  • Dozenten und Sekretariate können den Zuständ auf Bearbeitet setzen.

This course (in English) is an introduction in Metric Geometry. The target audience for this are students with a basic knowledge in geometry, discrete geometry and topology.  In the course we will introduce and develop basic notions and methods of Metric Geometry following presentation from the book of Burago, Burago and Ivanov: “A course in Metric Geometry.” Here is the list of some chapters of the book, and thus (roughly) an outline of the course contents:

1. Metric Spaces
2. Length Spaces
3. Constructions
4. Spaces of Bounded Curvature
5. Smooth Length Structures
6. Curvature of Riemannian Metrics
7. Spaces of Metric Spaces


This course (in English) is an introduction in Metric Geometry. The target audience for this are students with a basic knowledge in geometry, discrete geometry and topology.  In the course we will introduce and develop basic notions and methods of Metric Geometry following presentation from the book of Burago, Burago and Ivanov: “A course in Metric Geometry.” Here is the list of some chapters of the book, and thus (roughly) an outline of the course contents:

1. Metric Spaces
2. Length Spaces
3. Constructions
4. Spaces of Bounded Curvature
5. Smooth Length Structures
6. Curvature of Riemannian Metrics
7. Spaces of Metric Spaces



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Übung zu Aufbaumodul Diskrete Geometrie III

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