
Wenn eine Veranstaltungsinstanz aus einer Schablone erstellt wird, befindet sie sich in diesem Zustand.

  • Die Daten sind in der Regel noch nicht vollständig und es kann noch alles bearbeitet werden.
  • Dozenten und Sekretariate können den Zuständ auf Bearbeitet setzen.

It started with the Creeper virus in 1971 and recently culminated in Stuxnet malware and the loss of more than 145.000 personal datasets in a single incident. As the digitalization of societies around the world is constantly raising data protection and data security is more important than ever.

In this proseminar we will go through the history of remarkable hacks and catastrophic data breaches. We will analyze every incident in detail and try to assess the consequences. This is to estimate: the number of affected people, the worth of destroyed assets and direct financial losses. Finally we will discuss what lessons can be learned and if notable changes followed.


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