
Wenn eine Veranstaltungsinstanz aus einer Schablone erstellt wird, befindet sie sich in diesem Zustand.

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Eligible lecture of the module „Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics“ (Physics / Master). Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.



Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. Knowledge of the physics / B.Sc. Module „Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik“ advised.


Preliminaries; Kinematics of fluid motion; Stress in fluids; Equations of motion and energy; Gas dynamics; Linear theory of waves and instabilities; Turbulence; Rotating fluids; Basic magnetohydodynamics.


Eligible lecture of the module „Advanced Astronomy and Astrophysics“ (Physics / Master). Open also for all students with interest in astronomy and astrophysics.



Basic knowledge in Physics and Mathematics. Knowledge of the physics / B.Sc. Module „Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik“ advised.


Preliminaries; Kinematics of fluid motion; Stress in fluids; Equations of motion and energy; Gas dynamics; Linear theory of waves and instabilities; Turbulence; Rotating fluids; Basic magnetohydodynamics.


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