
Wenn eine Veranstaltungsinstanz aus einer Schablone erstellt wird, befindet sie sich in diesem Zustand.

  • Die Daten sind in der Regel noch nicht vollständig und es kann noch alles bearbeitet werden.
  • Dozenten und Sekretariate können den Zuständ auf Bearbeitet setzen.

In this 1-week compact course (Blockseminar) participants will learn to construct Markov models for molecular dynamics simulation data and how to analyze them quantitatively. The course will take place in a computer lab and will include both theory lessons (20-30%) as well as practical applications using the software package PyEMMA (Emma's Markov Model Algorithms). All computer applications will be done in IPython. We will provide test data, but participants may also bring their own MD data (any standard format, i.e.xtc, dcd) and we will help with applying EMMA to them.

In this 1-week compact course (Blockseminar) participants will learn to construct Markov models for molecular dynamics simulation data and how to analyze them quantitatively. The course will take place in a computer lab and will include both theory lessons (20-30%) as well as practical applications using the software package PyEMMA (Emma's Markov Model Algorithms). All computer applications will be done in IPython. We will provide test data, but participants may also bring their own MD data (any standard format, i.e.xtc, dcd) and we will help with applying EMMA to them.


Werdende Mütter

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Alternative Lehrveranstaltung
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Stillende Mütter

Keine Gefährdungen vorliegend
Teilweise Gefährdungen vorliegend
Alternative Lehrveranstaltung
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