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Course Overview
This is a beginning course from the series of three courses Topology I—III. In the introductory course we will first overview basic notions on Metric spaces and then cover following topics:
1. Basic notions of: Topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness,   products, coproducts, quotients. 
3. Gluing constructions.
4. Homotopies between continuous maps, degree of a map, fundamental group.
5. Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. 
6. Covering spaces.
Course Overview
This is a beginning course from the series of three courses Topology I—III. In the introductory course we will first overview basic notions on Metric spaces and then cover following topics:
1. Basic notions of: Topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness,   products, coproducts, quotients. 
3. Gluing constructions.
4. Homotopies between continuous maps, degree of a map, fundamental group.
5. Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. 
6. Covering spaces.
Literature that can be used include:
1. Allen Hatcher: Algebraic Topology, Chapter I. Also available online from the author's website  
2. James R. Munkres: Topology, Prentice Hall  
3. Marco Manetti : Topology, Springer
4. Stefa Waldmann: Topology (An Introduction), Springer
5. Klaus Jänich: Topologie, Springer-Verlag


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Übung zu Basismodul: Topologie I

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