
When a course instance has been created from a template, the course instance will be in this state

  • Data is usually still incomplete and everything can still be edited.
  • Lecturers or secretaries can move the state forward to Edited.


Diese Veranstaltung gehört zum Modul E-Learning/Digitales Video im Master-Studiengang Lehramt Informatik Projekt zur Erstellung von Elementen einer E-Learning-Umgebung unter Einsatz der vermittelten Techniken und Werkzeuge (Projekt). Die Gestaltung soll technische, inhaltliche sowie didaktische Anforderungen berücksichtigen.


This course is part of the module e-learning / digital video in the Master's program for computer science teachers. The project consist of the creation of elements in an e-learning environment using the available techniques and tools. The design should take into account technical, content and didactic requirements.


Expectant Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course

Nursing Mother

Not dangerous
Partly dangerous
Alternative Course